About Us

The BBU unit offers a wide range of research services. The Unit is involved from the early stages of experiment design through in depth data analysis. It is important to involve us at the early stages of experimental planning and if needed to organize a joint meeting between all the relevant Service Units (e.g. Sequencing Unit) in order to correctly design all aspects of your experiment. 


Unit Services

  • Sequencing - DNA, RNA, de novo assembly, single cell RNA, ATAC-seq, chip-seq, Ribo-Seq and small RNA-Seq
  • Mass-spectrometry data
  • Meta genomics
  • Classic Bioinformatics analysis as motifs, promoter analysis, 3D protein, miRNA, enrichment analysis (GO, pathway, ...)
  • Biostatistics analysis as: data transformation, choosing appropriate statistical methodology and Implementation, results interpretation,
    draw meaningful statistical insights, data visualization.


We are eager to broaden our knowledge in new techniques and fields and are committed to supporting your research!


Price List

The Unit’s consultation services can be provided as a single meeting or as a long-term ongoing collaborative project. The services of the Bioinformatics Unit are offered as a scientific collaboration and are charge:

  • Bioinformatic/biostatistical consulting work hour – 100 NIS*
  • 80 hours analysis package – 6400 NIS* 

*External researchers must add overhead and VAT to the price.


We invite all researchers to contact us and begin a fruitful collaboration.

For more details and a quote, please contact the head of the unit Dr. Hiba Waldman ben-asher at: benashh@biu.ac.il 03-5317205


 > Click here to see our team.

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Team