Metabolomics Unit

The Metabolomics Unit specializes in characterizing biological systems by directly measuring small molecule constituents known as the metabolome. We offer opportunities for research collaborations and provide targeted and untargeted metabolomics services to both academic and industrial partners. Our team supports investigators with experimental design, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation.


Our next-generation mass spectrometry techniques deliver extensive coverage of the metabolome, including polar metabolites, lipids, and isotope tracing.


Main Equipment:

  • Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer– Quantitative high-resolution, accurate-mass spectrometer (HRAMS) coupled to liquid chromatography (LC-MS) with record-setting performance for untargeted analysis and metabolic profiling. Mass Range: 40 to 6000 m/z, Mass Accuracy: <3 ppm RMS and resolution of 240,000 at m/z 200.
  • TSQ Fortis- triple quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to liquid chromatography (LC-MS) enables confident quantitation of hundreds of samples in complex matrices.
  • Precellys bead-based homogenizer with Cryolys cooling system – The instrument’s unique figure-8 multi-directional motion provides the same high level of energy and homogenization efficiency to each tube, maintaining the desired temperature between 0 and 10°C before and during the tissue homogenization. Suitable for the extraction of metabolites, proteins, and DNA/RNA.
  • Shimadzu Prominence LC-2030 HPLC system combines high-throughput automation with eco-friendly features and mobile compatibility. It includes the RID-20A refractive index detector, UV-Vis detector, RF-20A XS fluorescence detector, and a fraction collector, providing both analytical and semi-preparative capabilities, ensuring reliable performance and high-quality analysis