- The Pre-clinical Research Center was inaugurated in 2015.
- It is designed to accommodate mice in IVC cages under SPF conditions.
- The services provided include breeding, quarantine, reverse light cycle, behavior tests, maintenance, procedure rooms, and an imaging center
- Five rooms are designated as a professional area for investigators to carry out examinations, observations, manipulations, and procedure
- Head of the vivarium and vet – Simon Tinman
- Vivarium responsible and animal caretaker – Meir Huta
- Animal Technician (procedures) – Rivka Sabag
- Washing area – Itamar Giladi
- Animal caretakers – Bezalel Mishne and Itamar Nativ
- Sensemode monitoring on line (alarms through email and cellular messages)
- Temp: 20-24 C
- RH: 35- 65%
- Light: 12/12 (7:00 – 19:00 light)
- HEPA filtered air (building)
- IVC – Green line Teniplast cages
- Irradiated pellets (food) – Altromin, Germany
- Water – 4 filters (until 0.2 micron) + acidifying pH 2.8 + Chlorinator
- All the equipment disinfected and Autoclaved
- Biometry entrance
- Internal doors: private doors
- Video
- Health monitoring: daily cage checks
- FELASA Annual + another 1-2 quarterly FELASA + any unexpected case
- Equipment entrance room: Dual chamber
- Hydrogen peroxide – disinfection
- Air flow – Hood for animals
- Storage room – equipment, bedding, and disposables
- Low Temperature Storage – Food
- Animal care takers – Special clothes + Single use
- Students – single use clothes on top
- Gowns, shoe cover, head cover, mask, gloves
- Air washer
Washing area
- “Dirty” and Clean side
- Cage change – Maximum every 10 days
- Dirty bedding safety disposal
- Washing machine for ages
- Washing machine for bottles
- Clean Bedding safety filling machine
- Double door Tuttenauer autoclave

Maintenance rooms
- 3 Maintenance room
- 1 breeding room for immuno-deficient mice
- IVC – positive pressure
- Tecniplast – green line
- 5 adults mice/ cage
- Every cage – tag
- Special tags: Solitary mice in cage, special food, overcrowding, suspected sick , injured mice; breeding cage, pups, etc.

For more information, please contact: Dr. Shimon Tinman Veterinarian and Head of the Animal Facilities Tel: 972-3-5318748; tinman@biu.ac.il